Saturday, January 23, 2010


Welcome to ABE Level 4 Math

Dear Students,

I am excited you all will be in my class this quarter. We will be learning/reviewing a variety of math concepts to prepare you to take the TABE Level 4 test this March and eventually your GED test. If you have questions or concerns feel free to comment on this page or email me. If you cannot attend class, you will need to email me and let me know you cannot attend and get the notes from a classmate. I am looking forward to a great quarter and if I can be of assistance, feel free to let me know.

Kelsey Buchanan

Much needed info:

This quarter's dates will be:

  • January 11, 2010- March 24, 2010

Student Holidays:

  • January 18- MLK, Jr. Day
  • February 15-President's Day

Books are available for purchase in the bookstore:

  • Math M Book-$20

My email is:

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